Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Unforgettable shot!

Long time since I posted anything in the blog…. There has been nothing interesting (worth writing, worth remembering, worth thinking of) in the last few weeks…

So, I thought I’d rather jog through my memories and try digging out some fond memories :)


Vinay and me were (and to some extent, are) crazy about playing cricket. It was one bright afternoon, about 5 pm on the clock; we had bought a brand new hard tennis ball and were raring to go play somewhere… Neither Vinay nor I had the intention of going to our school’s playground and start playing. So, where do we play then?!! As usual, what better a place to play other than the narrow street right in front of our sweet little home? I think that we were in standard 10 then, and had not played cricket for quite a long time… I took the bat and was ready in my batting stance. Vinay took the ball and was ready to bowl from the Old MKET High School End :). Vinay took a few steps backwards, and started running in towards me… his arm swung and in a flash, the ball was delivered. A short pitched ball!! My eyes lit up, I always wanted to try the square cut (and failed miserably most of the times :)) , I gave it a go! It was a proper (if not perfect) square cut! I was so happy, the cut was so smooth!… Oops… wait a moment… The ball was short, I hit the cut well, but where the hell was the ball going? Straight towards the glass pane of a window!!! It was almost like me seeing it in slow-mo ( as they show in TV) ….. It was going… going… going… and crash!!! The glass was shattered, and to add to that it made such a loud noise (I don’t understand why the window panes are made of glass! Should’nt the children play around? :)) all the people from the nearby houses gathered to “ENJOY” the show… Vinay and me stood there, dumb and sheepish… Post mortem of the shattered window revealed that it had no chances of survival whatsoever :) so also was my state :) . Hmmm…. After getting scolding from all possible people around, Vinay and me decided that we will never play cricket on the street… after all we were kids no more!


Anil said...

By the way, did you break your neighbour`s glass pane or your own?

Vijay Mhapsekar said...

It was the neighbours's of course :)